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Listen to Judges 16

Listen to Judg 16, Jdg 16, Jg 16, Jdgs 16

Listen for free to MP3 audio of Chapter 16
of the Book of Judges, KJV

This chapter will take 05 minutes and 25 seconds to listen to.

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Below you will find few chosen verses from the above audiobook of the Book of Judges Chapter 16 of King James Version of Holy Bible. If you would like to read this whole Chapter, or any others, please click the button below the verses.

19 And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.
20 And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.
21 But the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house.

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