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Philippians 4:3 YLT

Phil 4:3 YLT, Php 4:3 YLT, Philippians 4 3 YLT

Philippians 4:3 YLT

1  So then, my brethren, beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand ye in the Lord, beloved.

2  Euodia I exhort, and Syntyche I exhort, to be of the same mind in the Lord;

3  and I ask also thee, genuine yoke-fellow, be assisting those women who in the good news did strive along with me, with Clement also, and the others, my fellow-workers, whose names 'are' in the book of life.

4  Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice;

5  let your forbearance be known to all men; the Lord 'is' near;

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