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Joel - WEB

Joe, Jl

The Book of Joel - WEB

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The Book of Joel WEB summary

Purpose of The Book of Joel:
Judah should learn of their judgment, repentance, and hope from Joel’s ministry. To open the eyes of God's people to His warnings and rebukes concerning their persistent sin.

Summary of The Book of Joel:
Joel takes a very hard stance against Israel's stubborn and persistent rebellion against God, and points out that there are signs of God's displeasure that are being ignored (i.e. A plague of locusts) at the risk of much greater devastation and destruction.

From Judgment to Salvation in Joel:

  1. Judgment- victory of enemies over Judah (ch. 1:2 - 20).
  2. Repentance- “Who knows if God will have pity?” (ch. 2:1 - 14).
  3. Repentance- God will have pity (ch. 2:15 - 32).
  4. Salvation- victory of Judah over enemies (ch. 3:1 - 21).

Author and Dates of The Book of Joel:
The book of Joel gives us very few clues as to when it was written or when the historical events in the book took place. This could be because it was used often in the worship of Israel, perhaps as a lament for times of disaster. Best guess? Either just before the fall of the Northern Kingdom (around the same time as Hosea, 750 - 720 BC) or just before the fall of the Northern Kingdom (around 625-600 BC).

Outline of The Book of Joel:

  1. Invasion and destruction: need to repent because of fear of judgment (ch. 1:1 - 2:15).
    • The Plague of Locust (ch. 1).
    • Coming Day of Judgment (ch. 2:1 - 2:14).
  2. Hope and restoration: repent in hope of future restoration (ch. 2:15 - 3:21).
    • Salvation from the Locusts (ch. 2:15 - 2:27).
    • Salvation from the Day of Judgment (ch. 3).

Themes of The Book of Joel:
Sin: Joel does not candy-coat the severity of sin against a Holy God, and warns the people of God that He will not tolerate it forever.
Repentance: God’s judgment on sin provides a need for the repentance of God’s people.
Judgment: At times in human history, God's people become prideful and arrogant, assuming upon God's blessing and protection. Although God's love can certainly be counted upon through thick and thin, Joel shows that God's love can come in some very tough forms, in order to dissuade us from our sinful ways.

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