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Hebrews - WEB

Hebrews, Heb

The Book of Hebrews - WEB

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The Book of Hebrews WEB summary

Purpose of The Book of Hebrews:
Written in the context of suffering to Alexandrian/Hellenistic Jews. Because of severe suffering some were thinking about “going back” to their former beliefs and practices. Many of the early Jewish believers were slipping back into the rites and rituals of Judaism in order to escape the mounting persecution. This letter, then, is an exhortation for these persecuted believers to continue in the grace of Jesus Christ.

Summary of The Book of Hebrews:
The writer of Hebrews continually makes mention of the superiority of Christ in both His person and work. In the writings of the Old Testament, we understand the rituals and ceremonies of Judaism symbolically pointed to the coming of Messiah-the rites of Judaism were but shadows of things to come. Hebrews tells us that Christ Jesus is better than anything mere religion has to offer. All the pomp and circumstance of religion pales in comparison to the person, work, and ministry of Christ Jesus. It is the superiority of our Jesus that remains the theme of this letter.

The writer of Hebrews gives ample encouragement to believers, but there are five solemn warnings: there is the danger of neglect (Hebrews 2:1-4), the danger of unbelief (Hebrews 3:7-4,13), the danger of spiritual immaturity (Hebrews 5:11-6,20), the danger of failing to endure (Hebrews 10:26-39), and the inherent danger of refusing God (Hebrews 12:25-29). In Hebrews we find a magnificently rendered portrait of Jesus Christ-the Author and Finisher of our great salvation (Hebrews 12:2).

Author and Dates of The Book of Hebrews:
Although some include the Book of Hebrews among the Apostle Paul's writings, the certain identity of the author remains an enigma. Missing is Paul's customary salutation so common to his other works and the suggestion that the writer of this epistle relied upon knowledge and information provided by others who were actual eye-witnesses of Christ Jesus (2: 3) makes Pauline authorship doubtful. Some attribute Luke as its writer; others suggest Hebrews may have been written by Apollos, Barnabas, Silas, Philip, or Aquila and Priscilla. Regardless, Hebrews speaks with the same canonical authority as the other sixty-five books of the Bible.

The early church father Clement quoted from the Book of Hebrews in 95 A.D., however, internal evidence such as the fact that Timothy was alive at the time to epistle was written and the absence of any evidence showing the end of the Old Testament sacrificial system that occurred with Jerusalem's destruction in 70 A.D. indicates the book was written around 65 A.D.

Outline of The Book of Hebrews:

  1. Introduction (ch. 1:1-3).
  2. The Supremacy of God’s Son (ch. 1:4 - 4:13).
  3. The Supremacy of the Son’s High Priesthood (ch. 4:14 - 10:18).
  4. Final Exhortations to Perseverance (ch. 10:19 - 12:29).
  5. Concluding Practical Exhortations and Greetings (ch. 13:1 - 25).

Themes of The Book of Hebrews:
Jesus is a great and faithful high priest.
Warning to nelievers to persevere.
Holiness is to be pursued in the Community of Faith.

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