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Psalms 96:5 BBE

Pslm 96:5 BBE, Ps 96:5 BBE, Psa 96:5 BBE, Psm 96:5 BBE, Pss 96:5 BBE, Psalms 96 5 BBE, Psalm 96 5 BBE

Psalms 96:5 BBE

3  Make clear his glory to the nations, and his wonders to all the peoples.

4  For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised; he is more to be feared than all other gods.

5  For all the gods of the nations are false gods; but the Lord made the heavens.

6  Honour and glory are before him: strong and fair is his holy place.

7  Give to the Lord, O you families of the peoples, give to the Lord glory and strength.

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