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Proverbs - ASV

Prov, Pr, Prv

The Book of Proverbs - ASV

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The Book of Proverbs ASV summary

Purpose of The Book of Proverbs:
To teach importance of wisdom. To give “prudence to the simple, and knowledge and discretion to the young” (Prov 1:4), and to make the wise person wiser (Prov 1:5).

Summary of The Book of Proverbs:
The book of Proverbs is made up of six collections of proverbs, that is, wisdom sayings on how to live wisely in the world. The book provides practical guidance to help God’s people follow in the ways of the Lord and to live fruitful and beneficial lives.

Author and Dates of The Book of Proverbs:
These collections of proverbs originating with Solomon, and various wise men, were gathered and arranged for later generations by someone otherwise unknown.

Outline of The Book of Proverbs:

  1. Preamble: purpose and theme (1:1-7).
  2. Superiority of the Way of Wisdom (1:8- 9:18).
  3. Proverbs of Solomon (10-22).
  4. Saying of the Wise (22-24).
  5. More proverbs from Solomon (25-29).
  6. The words of Agur and Lemuel (30-31).
  7. Poem to the virtuous woman (31).

Themes of The Book of Proverbs:
The key theme of Proverbs is described at the book's beginning (1:1–7). The book is supposed to instill wisdom in God’s people. Wisdom is rooted in the fear of the Lord and it works itself out in covenant life in the everyday situation and relationships.

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