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Numbers - ASV

Num, Nu, Nm, Nb

The Book of Numbers - ASV

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The Book of Numbers ASV summary

Purpose of The Book of Numbers:
To inspire the present generation of God’s people to avoid the failures of the past and trust Him for their victory and needs. To call the second generation of Israel to arms as the holy army of God.

Major Characters of The Book of Numbers:
Moses, Miriam, Aaron, God, Korah, Balaak, Balaam, and Joshua.

Summary of The Book of Numbers:
The book of Numbers picks up where the book of Exodus left off, with their departure from Sinai to their arrival at the edge of the Promised Land - namely the plains of Moab. The first ten chapters portray the collection of the fighting men of Israel. This group, exceeding numbers of 600,000, speaks loudly of the faithfulness of God as He protected and built a people once facing slavery and extinction. However, the story takes a dismal turn as this 1st generation of Israelites, who experienced such blessing from God, failed miserably in their rebellion.

Nevertheless, the tragedy turns into hope as the 2nd generation is assembled and prepares to conquer the Promised Land. The book of Numbers provides an insightful description of how humans tend to fail spiritually. Conversely, it is a tremendous book of hope and calls every generation of God’s people to embrace a new beginning and trust God.

Author and Dates of The Book of Numbers:
The book of Numbers was written by Moses to the 2nd generation of Israelites on the plains of Moab as they were preparing to enter the Promised Land - around 1410 B.C. or 1255 B.C., depending on the exact date of the exodus from Egypt.

Outline of The Book of Numbers:

  1. The Magnificent Collection of the First Generation
    • The people of God prepare to enter the promised land (ch. 1-10)
  2. The Tragic Failure of the First Generation (ch. 10-25)
    • From Sinai to Kadesh (ch. 10-12)
    • Forty years near Kadesh (ch. 13-19)
    • Rebellion of the spies (ch. 13-14)
    • From Kadesh to the plains of Moab (ch. 20-22)
  3. The Magnificent Collection of the Second Generation
    • Israel in the plains of Moab (ch. 22-36)
    • Balaam and Balak (ch. 22-24)

Themes of The Book of Numbers:
God’s covenant loyalty toward Israel.
Israel’s repeated failure to keep covenant with God.
The continuation and preservation of God’s people.
The spiritual failures often experienced by God’s people.
Despite failures, hope and a new beginning is possible.
God turns all things for good for his people, including the curses of their enemies.

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