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Hosea 7:13 YLT

Hos 7:13 YLT, Ho 7:13 YLT, Hosea 7 13 YLT

Hosea 7:13 YLT

11  And Ephraim is as a simple dove without heart, Egypt they called on -- 'to' Asshur they have gone.

12  When they go I spread over them My net, As the fowl of the heavens I bring them down, I chastise them as their company hath heard.

13  Wo to them, for they wandered from Me, Destruction to them, for they transgressed against Me, And I -- I ransom them, and they have spoken lies against Me,

14  And have not cried unto Me with their heart, but howl on their beds, For corn and new wine they assemble themselves, They turn aside against Me.

15  And I instructed -- I strengthened their arms, And concerning Me they think evil!

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