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Exodus 29:10 YLT

Exo 29:10 YLT, Ex 29:10 YLT, Exod 29:10 YLT, Exodus 29 10 YLT

Exodus 29:10 YLT

8  'And his sons thou dost bring near, and hast clothed them 'with' coats,

9  and hast girded them 'with' a girdle (Aaron and his sons), and hast bound on them bonnets; and the priesthood hath been theirs by a statute age-during, and thou hast consecrated the hand of Aaron, and the hand of his sons,

10  and hast brought near the bullock before the tent of meeting, and Aaron hath laid -- his sons also -- their hands on the head of the bullock.

11  'And thou hast slaughtered the bullock before Jehovah, at the opening of the tent of meeting,

12  and hast taken of the blood of the bullock, and hast put 'it' on the horns of the altar with thy finger, and all the blood thou dost pour out at the foundation of the altar;

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