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Exodus 21:2 YLT

Exo 21:2 YLT, Ex 21:2 YLT, Exod 21:2 YLT, Exodus 21 2 YLT

Exodus 21:2 YLT

1  'And these 'are' the judgments which thou dost set before them:

2  'When thou buyest a Hebrew servant -- six years he doth serve, and in the seventh he goeth out as a freeman for nought;

3  if by himself he cometh in, by himself he goeth out; if he 'is' owner of a wife, then his wife hath gone out with him;

4  if his lord give to him a wife, and she hath borne to him sons or daughters -- the wife and her children are her lord's, and he goeth out by himself.

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