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Exodus 14:30 YLT

Exo 14:30 YLT, Ex 14:30 YLT, Exod 14:30 YLT, Exodus 14 30 YLT

Exodus 14:30 YLT

28  and the waters turn back, and cover the chariots and the horsemen, even all the force of Pharaoh, who are coming in after them into the sea -- there hath not been left of them even one.

29  And the sons of Israel have gone on dry land in the midst of the sea, and the waters 'are' to them a wall, on their right and on their left;

30  and Jehovah saveth Israel in that day out of the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel seeth the Egyptians dead on the sea-shore,

31  and Israel seeth the great hand with which Jehovah hath wrought against the Egyptians, and the people fear Jehovah, and remain stedfast in Jehovah, and in Moses His servant.

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