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Ecclesiastes 4:1 YLT

Eccles 4:1 YLT, Ec 4:1 YLT, Qoh 4:1 YLT, Qoheleth 4:1 YLT, Ecclesiastes 4 1 YLT

Ecclesiastes 4:1 YLT

1  And I have turned, and I see all the oppressions that are done under the sun, and lo, the tear of the oppressed, and they have no comforter; and at the hand of their oppressors 'is' power, and they have no comforter.

2  And I am praising the dead who have already died above the living who are yet alive.

3  And better than both of them 'is' he who hath not yet been, in that he hath not seen the evil work that hath been done under the sun.

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