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Ecclesiastes 11:8 YLT

Eccles 11:8 YLT, Ec 11:8 YLT, Qoh 11:8 YLT, Qoheleth 11:8 YLT, Ecclesiastes 11 8 YLT

Ecclesiastes 11:8 YLT

6  In the morning sow thy seed, And at even withdraw not thy hand, For thou knowest not which is right, this or that, Or whether both of them alike 'are' good.

7  Sweet also 'is' the light, And good for the eyes to see the sun.

8  But, if man liveth many years, In all of them let him rejoice, And remember the days of darkness, For they are many! all that is coming 'is' vanity.

9  Rejoice, O young man, in thy childhood, And let thy heart gladden thee in days of thy youth, And walk in the ways of thy heart, And in the sight of thine eyes, And know thou that for all these, Doth God bring thee into judgment.

10  And turn aside anger from thy heart, And cause evil to pass from thy flesh, For the childhood and the age 'are' vanity!

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