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1 Samuel 8:4 YLT

1 Sam 8:4 YLT, 1 Sa 8:4 YLT, 1Samuel 8:4 YLT, 1S 8:4 YLT, I Sa 8:4 YLT, 1 Sm 8:4 YLT, 1Sa 8:4 YLT, I Sam 8:4 YLT, 1Sam 8:4 YLT, I Samuel 8:4 YLT, 1st Samuel 8:4 YLT, First Samuel 8:4 YLT, 1 Samuel 8 4 YLT

1 Samuel 8:4 YLT

2  And the name of his first-born son is Joel, and the name of his second Abiah, judges in Beer-Sheba:

3  and his sons have not walked in his ways, and turn aside after the dishonest gain, and take a bribe, and turn aside judgment.

4  And all the elders of Israel gather themselves together, and come in unto Samuel to Ramath,

5  and say unto him, 'Lo, thou hast become aged, and thy sons have not walked in thy ways; now, appoint to us a king, to judge us, like all the nations.'

6  And the thing is evil in the eyes of Samuel, when they have said, 'Give to us a king to judge us;' and Samuel prayeth unto Jehovah.

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