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2 Kings 7:5 WEB

2 Kgs 7:5 WEB, 2 Ki 7:5 WEB, 2K 7:5 WEB, II Kgs 7:5 WEB, 2Kgs 7:5 WEB, II Ki 7:5 WEB, 2Ki 7:5 WEB, II Kings 7:5 WEB, 2Kings 7:5 WEB, 2nd Kgs 7:5 WEB, 2nd Kings 7:5 WEB, Second Kings 7:5 WEB, Second Kgs 7:5 WEB, 2Kin 7:5 WEB, 2 Kings 7 5 WEB

2 Kings 7:5 WEB

3  Now there were four leprous men at the entrance of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?

4  If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there; and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall to the host of the Syrians: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die.

5  They rose up in the twilight, to go to the camp of the Syrians; and when they were come to the outermost part of the camp of the Syrians, behold, there was no man there.

6  For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host: and they said one to another, Behold, the king of Israel has hired against us the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to come on us.

7  Therefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents, and their horses, and their donkeys, even the camp as it was, and fled for their life.

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