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Isaiah 34:5 WBT

Isa 34:5 WBT, Is 34:5 WBT, Isaiah 34 5 WBT

Isaiah 34:5 WBT

3  Their slain also shall be cast out, and their ill smell shall come up from their carcases, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood.

4  And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their hosts shall fall down, as the leaf falleth from the vine, and as a falling [fig] from the fig-tree.

5  For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Edom, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment.

6  The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness, [and] with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams: for the LORD hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

7  And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be drenched with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.

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