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Judges 18:11 DBY

Judg 18:11 DBY, Jdg 18:11 DBY, Jg 18:11 DBY, Jdgs 18:11 DBY, Judges 18 11 DBY

Judges 18:11 DBY

9  They said, 'Arise, and let us go up against them; for we have seen the land, and behold, it is very fertile. And will you do nothing? Do not be slow to go, and enter in and possess the land.

10  When you go, you will come to an unsuspecting people. The land is broad; yea, God has given it into your hands, a place where there is no lack of anything that is in the earth.'

11  And six hundred men of the tribe of Dan, armed with weapons of war, set forth from Zorah and Esh'ta-ol,

12  and went up and encamped at Kir'iath-je'arim in Judah. On this account that place is called Ma'haneh-dan to this day; behold, it is west of Kir'iath-je'arim.

13  And they passed on from there to the hill country of E'phraim, and came to the house of Micah.

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