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John 6:34 DBY

Jn 6:34 DBY, Jhn 6:34 DBY, John 6 34 DBY

John 6:34 DBY

32  Jesus therefore said to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, [It is] not Moses that has given you the bread out of heaven; but my Father gives you the true bread out of heaven.

33  For the bread of God is he who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world.

34  They said therefore to him, Lord, ever give to us this bread.

35  [And] Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger, and he that believes on me shall never thirst at any time.

36  But I have said to you, that ye have also seen me and do not believe.

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