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Job 16:12 DBY

Jb 16:12 DBY, Job 16 12 DBY

Job 16:12 DBY

10  They gape upon me with their mouth; they smite my cheeks reproachfully; they range themselves together against me.

11  ùGod hath delivered me over to the iniquitous man, and hurled me into the hands of the wicked.

12  I was at rest, but he hath shattered me; he hath taken me by the neck and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his mark.

13  His arrows encompass me round about, he cleaveth my reins asunder and doth not spare; he poureth out my gall upon the ground.

14  He breaketh me with breach upon breach; he runneth upon me like a mighty man.

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