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Acts 22:7 DBY

Ac 22:7 DBY, Acts 22 7 DBY

Acts 22:7 DBY

5  as also the high priest bears me witness, and all the elderhood: from whom also, having received letters to the brethren, I went to Damascus to bring those also who were there, bound, to Jerusalem, to be punished.

6  And it came to pass, as I was journeying and drawing near to Damascus, that, about mid-day, there suddenly shone out of heaven a great light round about me.

7  And I fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

8  And *I* answered, Who art thou, Lord? And he said to me, *I* am Jesus the Nazaraean, whom *thou* persecutest.

9  But they that were with me beheld the light, [and were filled with fear], but heard not the voice of him that was speaking to me.

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