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1 Peter 2:21 DBY

1 Pet 2:21 DBY, 1 Pe 2:21 DBY, I Pe 2:21 DBY, 1Pe 2:21 DBY, I Pet 2:21 DBY, 1Pet 2:21 DBY, I Pt 2:21 DBY, 1 Pt 2:21 DBY, 1Pt 2:21 DBY, I Peter 2:21 DBY, 1Peter 2:21 DBY, 1st Peter 2:21 DBY, First Peter 2:21 DBY, 1 Peter 2 21 DBY

1 Peter 2:21 DBY

19  For this [is] acceptable, if one, for conscience sake towards God, endure griefs, suffering unjustly.

20  For what glory [is it], if sinning and being buffeted ye shall bear [it]? but if, doing good and suffering, ye shall bear [it], this is acceptable with God.

21  For to this have ye been called; for Christ also has suffered for you, leaving you a model that ye should follow in his steps:

22  who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth;

23  who, [when] reviled, reviled not again; [when] suffering, threatened not; but gave [himself] over into the hands of him who judges righteously;

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