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1 Chronicles 7:30 DBY

1 Chron 7:30 DBY, 1 Ch 7:30 DBY, I Ch 7:30 DBY, 1Ch 7:30 DBY, 1 Chr 7:30 DBY, I Chr 7:30 DBY, 1Chr 7:30 DBY, I Chron 7:30 DBY, 1Chron 7:30 DBY, I Chronicles 7:30 DBY, 1Chronicles 7:30 DBY, 1st Chronicles 7:30 DBY, First Chronicles 7:30 DBY, 1 Chronicles 7 30 DBY

1 Chronicles 7:30 DBY

28  And their possession and dwelling-places were Bethel and its dependent villages, and eastward Naaran, and westward Gezer and its dependent villages, and Shechem and its dependent villages as far as to Gazah and its dependent villages.

29  And in the hands of the children of Manasseh, Beth-shean and its dependent villages, Taanach and its dependent villages, Megiddo and its dependent villages, Dor and its dependent villages. In these dwelt the children of Joseph the son of Israel.

30  The sons of Asher: Jimnah, and Jishvah, and Jishvi, and Beriah; Serah their sister.

31  And the sons of Beriah: Heber, and Malchiel, who is the father of Birzavith.

32  And Heber begot Japhlet, and Shomer, and Hotham, and Shua their sister.

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