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Wisdom 18:19 CPDV

Wis 18:19 CPDV, Ws 18:19 CPDV, Wisdom of Solomon 18:19 CPDV, Wisdom 18 19 CPDV

Wisdom 18:19 CPDV

17  Then, incessant visions of nightmares disturbed them, and unexpected fears overcame them.

18  And another was thrown down elsewhere half-alive; and so, by means of that which was dying, the cause of death was revealed.

19  For the visions that disturbed them had forewarned of these things, lest they should perish and not know why they suffered these evils.

20  Yet, at that time, the trial of death touched even the just, and there was a disturbance of the multitude in the wilderness, but your wrath did not continue for long.

21  For a blameless man, prospering, is to be entreated for your people, bringing forth the shield of your service, through prayer and incense, making prayerful supplication, he withstands anger, and so establishes an end to the necessary difficulty, revealing that he is your servant.

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