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Psalms 56:11 CPDV

Pslm 56:11 CPDV, Ps 56:11 CPDV, Psa 56:11 CPDV, Psm 56:11 CPDV, Pss 56:11 CPDV, Psalms 56 11 CPDV, Psalm 56 11 CPDV

Psalms 56:11 CPDV

9  Rise up, my glory. Rise up, psaltery and harp.I will arise in early morning.

10  I will confess to you, O Lord, among the peoples.I will compose a psalm to you among the nations.

11  For your mercy has been magnified, even to the heavens,and your truth, even to the clouds.

12  Be exalted above the heavens, O God,and your glory above all the earth.

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