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Proverbs 28:19 CPDV

Prov 28:19 CPDV, Pr 28:19 CPDV, Prv 28:19 CPDV, Proverbs 28 19 CPDV

Proverbs 28:19 CPDV

17  A man who slanders the blood of a life, even if he flees to the pit, no one will tolerate him.

18  Whoever walks simply shall be saved. Whoever is perverse in his steps will fall all at once.

19  Whoever works his land shall be satisfied with bread. But whoever pursues leisure will be filled with need.

20  A faithful man shall be greatly praised. But whoever rushes to become rich will not be innocent.

21  Whoever shows favoritism in judgment does not do well; even if it is for a morsel of bread, he forsakes the truth.

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