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Nehemiah 3:19 CPDV

Neh 3:19 CPDV, Ne 3:19 CPDV, Nehemiah 3 19 CPDV

Nehemiah 3:19 CPDV

17  After him, the Levites, Rehum, the son of Bani, built. After him, Hashabiah, the leader of one half part of the street of Keilah, built, in his own neighborhood.

18  After him, their brothers, Binnui, the son of Henadad, the leader of one half part of Keilah, built.

19  And beside him, Ezer, the son of Jeshua, the leader of Mizpah, built another measure, opposite the ascent to the strongest corner.

20  After him, at the mount, Baruch, the son of Zabbai, built another measure, from the corner even to the door of the house of Eliashib, the great priest.

21  After him, Meremoth, the son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, built another measure, from the door of the house of Eliashib, along the length of the house of Eliashib.

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