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Judges 1:29 CPDV

Judg 1:29 CPDV, Jdg 1:29 CPDV, Jg 1:29 CPDV, Jdgs 1:29 CPDV, Judges 1 29 CPDV

Judges 1:29 CPDV

27  Likewise, Manasseh did not destroy Bethshean and Taanach, with their villages, nor the inhabitants of Dor and Ibleam and Megiddo, with their villages. And the Canaanite began to live with them.

28  Then, after Israel had grown strong, he made them tributaries, but he was not willing to destroy them.

29  And now Ephraim did not put to death the Canaanite, who was living at Gezer; instead, he lived with him.

30  Zebulun did not wipe out the inhabitants of Kitron and of Nahalal. Instead, the Canaanite lived in their midst and became their tributary.

31  Likewise, Asher did not destroy the inhabitants of Acco and Sidon, Ahlab and Achzib, and Helbah, and Aphik, and Rehob.

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