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Joshua 23:10 CPDV

Josh 23:10 CPDV, Jos 23:10 CPDV, Jsh 23:10 CPDV, Joshua 23 10 CPDV

Joshua 23:10 CPDV

8  Instead, cling to the Lord your God, just as you have done even to this day.

9  And then the Lord God will take away, in your sight, nations that are great and very robust, and no one will be able to withstand you.

10  One of you shall pursue a thousand men of the enemies. For the Lord your God himself will fight on your behalf, just as he promised.

11  Even so, be very diligent and careful in this: that you love the Lord your God.

12  But if you choose to cling to the errors of these nations that live among you, and to mix with them by marriage, and to join with them by friendship,

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