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John 6:16 CPDV

Jn 6:16 CPDV, Jhn 6:16 CPDV, John 6 16 CPDV

John 6:16 CPDV

14  Therefore, those men, when they had seen that Jesus had accomplished a sign, they said, 'Truly, this one is the Prophet who is to come into the world.'

15  And so, when he realized that they were going to come and take him away and make him king, Jesus fled back to the mountain, by himself alone.

16  Then, when evening arrived, his disciples descended to the sea.

17  And when they had climbed into a boat, they went across the sea to Capernaum. And darkness had now arrived, and Jesus had not returned to them.

18  Then the sea was stirred up by a great wind that was blowing.

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