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Acts 21:4 CPDV

Ac 21:4 CPDV, Acts 21 4 CPDV

Acts 21:4 CPDV

2  And when we had found a ship sailing across to Phoenicia, climbing aboard, we set sail.

3  Then, after we had caught sight of Cyprus, keeping it to the left, we sailed on to Syria, and we arrived at Tyre. For the ship was going to unload its cargo there.

4  Then, having found the disciples, we lodged there for seven days. And they were saying to Paul, through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem.

5  And when the days were completed, setting out, we went on; and they all accompanied us with their wives and children, until we were outside of the city. And we kneeled down at the shore and prayed.

6  And when we had said farewell to one another, we climbed aboard the ship. And they returned to their own.

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