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1 Peter 2:16 CPDV

1 Pet 2:16 CPDV, 1 Pe 2:16 CPDV, I Pe 2:16 CPDV, 1Pe 2:16 CPDV, I Pet 2:16 CPDV, 1Pet 2:16 CPDV, I Pt 2:16 CPDV, 1 Pt 2:16 CPDV, 1Pt 2:16 CPDV, I Peter 2:16 CPDV, 1Peter 2:16 CPDV, 1st Peter 2:16 CPDV, First Peter 2:16 CPDV, 1 Peter 2 16 CPDV

1 Peter 2:16 CPDV

14  or to leaders as having been sent from him for vindication over evildoers, it is truly for the praise of what is good.

15  For such is the will of God, that by doing good you may bring about the silence of imprudent and ignorant men,

16  in an open manner, and not as if cloaking malice with liberty, but like servants of God.

17  Honor everyone. Love brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.

18  Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and meek, but also to the unruly.

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