41 And all that has been left over, which those who were set over the affairs in prior years have not paid: from this time, they will give it to the works of the house.
42 And beyond this, they shall receive five thousand shekels of silver from the allotment of the holy places each year, and this will belong to the priests who perform the ministry.
43 And whoever will flee into the temple that is in Jerusalem, or in any of its parts, being liable before the king in any matter, let them be released, and all that is theirs in my kingdom, let them have it freely.
44 And as to the works of rebuilding and repairing the holy places, the expenses shall be given from the king’s revenues.
45 And as to the raising of the walls of Jerusalem and the fortifications all around it, the expenses shall be given from the king’s revenues, as also for the building of the walls in Judea.'
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