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Romans 13:4 BBE

Rom 13:4 BBE, Ro 13:4 BBE, Rm 13:4 BBE, Romans 13 4 BBE

Romans 13:4 BBE

2  For which reason everyone who puts himself against the authority puts himself against the order of God: and those who are against it will get punishment for themselves.

3  For rulers are not a cause of fear to the good work but to the evil. If you would have no fear of the authority, do good and you will have praise;

4  For he is the servant of God to you for good. But if you do evil, have fear; for the sword is not in his hand for nothing: he is God's servant, making God's punishment come on the evil-doer.

5  So put yourselves under the authority, not for fear of wrath, but because you have the knowledge of what is right.

6  For the same reason, make payment of taxes; because the authority is God's servant, to take care of such things at all times.

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