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Numbers 4:15 BBE

Num 4:15 BBE, Nu 4:15 BBE, Nm 4:15 BBE, Nb 4:15 BBE, Numbers 4 15 BBE

Numbers 4:15 BBE

13  And they are to take away the burned waste from the altar, and put a purple cloth on it;

14  Placing on the cloth all its vessels, the fire-baskets, the meat-hooks, the spades, and the basins; all the vessels of the altar; they are to put a leather cover over all these, and put its rods in their places.

15  And after the holy place and all its vessels have been covered up by Aaron and his sons, when the tents of the people go forward, the sons of Kohath are to come and take it up; but the holy things may not be touched by them for fear of death.

16  And Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, is to be responsible for the oil for the light, and the sweet perfumes for burning, and the regular meal offering, and the holy oil; the House and the holy place and everything in it will be in his care.

17  And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron,

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