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Numbers 15:12 BBE

Num 15:12 BBE, Nu 15:12 BBE, Nm 15:12 BBE, Nb 15:12 BBE, Numbers 15 12 BBE

Numbers 15:12 BBE

10  And for the drink offering: give half a hin of wine, for an offering made by fire for a sweet smell to the Lord.

11  This is to be done for every young ox and for every male sheep or he-lamb or young goat.

12  Whatever number you make ready, so you are to do for every one.

13  All those who are Israelites by birth are to do these things in this way, when giving an offering made by fire of a sweet smell to the Lord.

14  And if a man from another country or any other person living among you, through all your generations, has the desire to give an offering made by fire of a sweet smell to the Lord, let him do as you do.

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