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Nahum 3:7 BBE

Nah 3:7 BBE, Na 3:7 BBE, Nahum 3 7 BBE

Nahum 3:7 BBE

5  See, I am against you, says the Lord of armies, and I will have your skirts pulled over your face, and let the nations see you unclothed, and the kingdoms your shame.

6  I will make you completely disgusting and full of shame, and will put you up to be looked at by all.

7  And it will come about that all who see you will go in flight from you and say, Nineveh is made waste: who will be weeping for her? where am I to get comforters for her?

8  Are you better than No-amon, seated on the Nile streams, with waters all round her; whose wall was the sea and her earthwork the waters?

9  Ethiopia was her strength and Egyptians without number; Put and Lubim were her helpers.

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