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Isaiah 10:27 BBE

Isa 10:27 BBE, Is 10:27 BBE, Isaiah 10 27 BBE

Isaiah 10:27 BBE

25  For in a very short time my passion will be over, and my wrath will be turned to their destruction.

26  And the Lord of armies will be shaking a whip against him, as when he overcame Midian at the rock of Oreb: and his rod will be lifted up against them as it was against the Egyptians.

27  And in that day the weight which he put on your back will be taken away, and his yoke broken from off your neck.

28  He has gone up from Pene-Rimmon, he has come to Aiath; he has gone past Migron, at Michmash he puts his forces in order.

29  They have gone across the mountain; Geba will be our resting-place tonight, they say: Ramah is shaking with fear; Gibeah of Saul has gone in flight.

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