Genesis 6:16 BBE

Gen 6:16 BBE, Ge 6:16 BBE, Gn 6:16 BBE, Genesis 6 16 BBE

Genesis 6:16 BBE

14  Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood with rooms in it, and make it safe from the water inside and out.

15  And this is the way you are to make it: it is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high.

16  You are to put a window in the ark, a cubit from the roof, and a door in the side of it, and you are to make it with a lower and second and third floors.

17  For truly, I will send a great flow of waters over the earth, for the destruction from under the heaven of all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything on the earth will come to an end.

18  But with you I will make an agreement; and you will come into the ark, you and your sons and your wife and your sons' wives with you.

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