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Deuteronomy 17:17 BBE

Deut 17:17 BBE, Dt 17:17 BBE, Deuteronomy 17 17 BBE

Deuteronomy 17:17 BBE

15  Then see that you take as your king the man named by the Lord your God: let your king be one of your countrymen, not a man of another nation who is not one of yourselves.

16  And he is not to get together a great army of horses for himself, or make the people go back to Egypt to get horses for him: because the Lord has said, You will never again go back that way.

17  And he is not to have a great number of wives, for fear that his heart may be turned away; or great wealth of silver and gold.

18  And when he has taken his place on the seat of his kingdom, he is to make in a book a copy of this law, from that which the priests, the Levites, have in their care:

19  And it is to be with him for his reading all the days of his life, so that he may be trained in the fear of the Lord his God to keep and do all the words of this teaching and these laws:

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