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2 Kings 6:29 BBE

2 Kgs 6:29 BBE, 2 Ki 6:29 BBE, 2K 6:29 BBE, II Kgs 6:29 BBE, 2Kgs 6:29 BBE, II Ki 6:29 BBE, 2Ki 6:29 BBE, II Kings 6:29 BBE, 2Kings 6:29 BBE, 2nd Kgs 6:29 BBE, 2nd Kings 6:29 BBE, Second Kings 6:29 BBE, Second Kgs 6:29 BBE, 2Kin 6:29 BBE, 2 Kings 6 29 BBE

2 Kings 6:29 BBE

27  And he said, If the Lord does not give you help, where am I to get help for you? from the grain-floor or the grape-crusher?

28  And the king said to her, What is troubling you? And she said in answer, This woman said to me, Give your son to be our food today, and we will have my son tomorrow.

29  So, boiling my son, we had a meal of him; and on the day after I said to her, Now give your son for our food; but she has put her son in a secret place.

30  Then the king, hearing what the woman said, took his robes in his hands, violently parting them; and, while he was walking on the wall, the people, looking, saw that under his robe he had haircloth on his flesh.

31  Then he said, May God's punishment come on me if Elisha, the son of Shaphat, keeps his head on his body after this day.

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